Societies opt for redevelopment options to have various benefits – better amenities, improved lifestyle, a safer building and more. But the most attractive carrot is the additional space. During the redevelopment process, a calculation is done to determine how much additional square footage residents will receive. 

On an average most societies get between 20% to 40% of additional area over their existing consumed area. Architects calculate the potential available to each society based on DCPR 2034 (Development Control Promotional Rules). Extra-Area calculations are based on factors like – existing area consumed by the society, road width adjoining the building, location of the project, proximity to the airports/railway tracks, defense establishments and more.

Once the society and the developer negotiate and determine the additional area available to each flat owner, he/she will have the freedom of deciding what do with the additional area:

Here are a few ideas!

Extra Room for Family Members

If you have kids or other family members who currently share a room, the additional area can be used to finally give them their own room. This will provide them with privacy, comfort and peace of mind!

Study Room for Kids

You can choose to turn it into a study area for your children. You can even add a library, a setup for their computer/laptop or a place for crafts and hobbies. Having a dedicated space for studies and activities can help children focus better.

Home Office

After the pandemic, many jobs now offer options for hybrid working or full-time work from home. Creating a separate workspace can be helpful as you’ll have your privacy during important meetings, and a dedicated space to carry out your professional endeavors without any disturbances. This can also help if you’re an entrepreneur or otherwise self-employed. 

Prayer Room

Prayer rooms are said to bring a lot of positivity and warmth to your home. It is also a great place for the family to gather during celebrations. 

Guest Room

Inviting guests and family over to stay can be a struggle if you don’t have any room to spare. In such cases, most people either offer their own personal rooms or set up mattresses, which isn’t a comfortable arrangement. With a guest room, you can invite family and friends to stay for as long as you’d like without any inconvenience. 

Additional Storage or Pantry 

If you have a big family or have a business that you manage from your home, the room can be great for storage. You can even use it as an additional pantry area to store miscellaneous household items. 

Recreational Area or Home Gym

If you’re someone who loves working out, doing yoga, dancing or any other activity that needs a place for movement, then there’s nothing better than setting up your own private home gym/recreational area. 

An alternative to redevelopment would be buying or renting a new property. But, this would mean leaving behind a community and neighborhood that you know and love. Redevelopment helps you get a bigger home without having to move. The benefits we’ve given are just a few of the many ways you can utilize the additional space, all of which guarantee more comfort for your family! 

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