AGM, Meeting Resolutions and consents

What Are the Society’s Responsibilities before Redevelopment?

If an adverse structural report has you thinking of redevelopment, it is essential to keep a few important responsibilities in mind. In 2019, the government issued a new circular regarding the steps to be taken during redevelopment. This was done to streamline the process and to ensure better transparency. 

The management committee is responsible for making sure the steps outlined are followed and that the society members are adequately informed of the proceedings. 

Initial Steps

To start the conversation around redevelopment an application addressed to the Secretary of your Management Committee should be submitted. This application must be submitted by a minimum of 1/5th of the society members. Once the management receives the application, they need to acknowledge it within 8 days and arrange for a Special General Body Meeting (SGBM) within the next 2 months. 

Before convening the meeting, the management committee needs to gather quotations from a minimum of 3 Architects that are registered with the government. Additionally, they can approach Project Management Consultants or other Local Authorities that specialize in creating project reports for redevelopment. After consulting all of these professionals, they need to select one who will be present at the SGBM with the management committee. 

Before the Meeting

  • Once a date is set for the SGBM, an agenda for the meeting needs to be sent to all members. This must be done 14 days in advance. 
  • If members of the society have suggestions or requests they need to be made in writing to the committee at least 8 days before the meeting. If any member would like to suggest an Architect, Project management consultant etc. they need to submit a letter from the professional that shows their interest in the project. 
  • The management committee also needs to take stock of all the documents required for redevelopment and start getting them in order.

During the Meeting

To achieve quorum, at least 2/3rd of the total society members need to be present at the SGBM. If not present, the meeting gets postponed to a date within a month of this meeting. 

3 main things need to be done during the Special General Meeting – 

  1. A preliminary decision needs to be made on whether to proceed with redevelopment based on the suggestions and prerequisites set by the members of the society. To proceed with redevelopment, at least 51% of the total members need to agree. 
  2. An expert needs to be appointed to take the redevelopment process forward. This may be an architect, a project management consultant or a local authority involved in redevelopment. 
  3. An outline needs to be provided for how the redevelopment process will move forward. 

Throughout the meeting, detailed minutes need to be maintained of all the topics being discussed. 

After the Meeting

Within 7 days of the SGBM, copies of the Minutes of the Meeting need to be sent out to all members and an acknowledgement of receipt needs to be collected. This acknowledgement needs to then be submitted to the registrar via email and hard copy. 

Consent Letters

If you have decided to go ahead with redevelopment after the meeting then written consent letters need to be collected from all members that were in favour of this decision.  

These are your society’s responsibilities before you bring in outside support and expertise. These steps are essential because they encourage transparency during the redevelopment process and reduce the chances of conflict among members. They also help ensure that the society’s best interests are kept in mind and that the project flows in a way that works well for everyone. 

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